How to send us essays for review

By Rajkamal Rao  

The most crucial subjective part of an application is the college essay. Here's our primer on college essays including our proprietary two-pass review process. 

All of our essay reviews may now be ordered from a simple menu-driven product list resembling a typical online store. You prepay for the essay review using a fixed-price model and get full buyer protection from PayPal. Please come back to this page after you have completed the transaction on the shopping cart page.

If you are an existing client, you may send us your essay by email. This should be a Google Docs document - we don’t accept .pdfs or Word .docx. Sharing your document primarily involves the following simple steps:

1. The Google document file name MUST contain the student’s FULL NAME. If your name is Taylor Swift and you are sending us a review request for Common App #5, the file name would be: Taylor Swift_Common App #5. For the second UT Austin supplemental, the file name would be: Taylor Swift_UT #2.

2. The header of the document MUST contain the full prompt plus the word limit for the essay.

3. Please designate as an editor of the document.

4. Use File-Email-Email Collaborators with a note in the box requesting a review, such as, “Please do a First Pass review.” Any other instructions which clarify your need are welcome.

Or you can submit using our easy-to-use web form below.

We’re unable to review Word documents or .pdfs.


Please contact us for more information.

A Note About Rao Advisors Premium Services
Our promise is to empower you with high-quality, ethical, and free advice via this website.  But parents and students often ask us if they can engage with us for individual counseling sessions.
Individual counseling is part of the Premium Offering of Rao Advisors.  Please contact us for more information.

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